Czech GSD History/info

Czech GSD History/info
History of Czech German shepherd Prior to the 1989 revolution which led to the fall of their communist government, the breeding of German Shepherd dogs in the Czech Republic was that of working dogs. These breedings revolved around one kennel, owned by the Czechoslovakian Army’s Pohranicni Straze (Border Patrol). Under the iron curtain regime, the Czechoslovakian Border Patrol and their dogs would apprehend people on a daily basis. While most were none confrontational the dogs were often called upon to defend their handlers from those determined to cross the border.
The border patrol established 3 breeding stations located in Domazlice, Libejovice, and Prackovice, in 1956 to provide a continuous supply of dogs for law enforcement. Each facility was located on Border Patrol bases and considered of prime national security. Entrance was allowed only to people of “High clearance” and employed at that facility. The females were bred and puppies whelped, raised and trained all within these breeding stations which were staffed by trainers, veterinarians, assistant breeders and kennel help. Once trained the Pohranicni Straze dogs were assigned a handler and patrolled primarily the border with Germany and Austria to prevent Czechoslovakians and any others from within the East Block from escaping.
Dogs where then bred under the Pohranicni Policie (Border Police), and under the direction of the head breeder, Mr. Novotny since 1981 (also the director of training). The breeding stations where located within the bases, ran by the Czech Army. Entrance to the facilities continue to be strictly forbidden as in the past as a matter of national security.
The breeding program consisted of 80 or more breeding females and 30 stud dogs. Each stud dog was required to earn working titles and be on active duty. The breeding program utilized their own dogs with the exception of occasional special breedings which took place in partnership with 3 private breeders, “Jipo-me”, a kennel in partnership between Mr. Jiri Novotny and a close friend, “z-Jirkova dvora”, owned by Mr. Novotny’s Father and z Blatenskeho Zamku owned by Zdenek Koubek. The breeding of these 3 private kennels where also under the direction of Mr. Novotny.
The demands of the Czech Border Police k9 has naturally changed since the fall of the iron curtain, but it has increased! The Czech Border Police share their stations with their German counterparts who maintain a tight control over Eastern Europeans, Ukrainians, and Russians entering Germany. Those not given visas to legally enter Germany attempt to cross this same Czech border on a daily basis. While many cross to seek a better life in Western Europe and usually don’t resist arrest, an increasing number are connected with organized crime and pose a considerable threat often prepared to defend themselves with knives and firearms. The training courses to prepare the dogs are likewise demanding as are the requirements for breeding.
The z Pohranicni straze breeding station is now under a new director and at present time is breeding and registering its dogs under a different kennel name.
“We at Ironclad K9 Group LLC continue to strive to maintain the integrity of the original working line of the Czech German Shepherd.” It is our experience in training, and our top priority to propel the Czech German shepherds into the future of law enforcement personal protection and many other aspects of canine industry.